To help Project Administrators, instructions are now available when editing a setting in version 9.27.0.
In version 9.27.0, when “copy” is used, all fields will be copied except Meeting Type. User should select the Meeting Type which will copy all outstanding Meeting Items to the new Meeting.
- Request for Information
- When Onware Sync transfers an RFI to Onware, it now displays the most current discipline selection
- Meeting
- Selecting “Save”, “View/Print” or “PDF” from top toolbar now saves changes/revisions to Meeting Items
- Request for Information
- When providing a response to Request for Information, texts entered on either comments or suggestions field can now be saved using either the top toolbar or RFI history “Save” button
- Submittal
- Displays an error when a General Contractor selects “close” from “select an action” options
- Site Visit
- New or imported Site Visit items can now be sorted by order
- Checklist headers now display when editing a Site Visit
- Consultant Recommendation
- Re-open Consultant Recommendation error message spelling corrected